Imagine the
public outcry if Milwaukee County were to consider selling Lake Park,
Washington Park, Whitnall Park, or any other park in its award-winning park
system. There ought to be an outcry. Our parks should not be for sale.
And yet, the
County Board is in fact considering the sale of one of its parks. As a board
member of Preserve Our Parks I am forwarding the following appeal. I
hope you will join me in opposing this effort. If you can’t attend the public
hearing (details below) please contact your county supervisor. (If you need
help scroll down for contact info and talking points.) And please forward this
message to your friends!
View from O'Donnell Park |
Dear friend of
the parks,
Our parks are
at a crossroads, and we are asking for your help. Milwaukee County is proposing
to sell O’Donnell Park to the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. NML
is undergoing an expansion that will add some 1600 new workers to its staff,
and it needs more staff parking. O’Donnell Park is located one block from NML,
on the lakefront. This unusual park’s street-level plaza and pavilion sit on
top of a 1300-car parking garage. This roomy garage could help alleviate NML’s
parking problems.
The trouble
is, NML does not want to simply rent garage space in O’Donnell Park. It wants
to buy the park in its entirety—the plaza and pavilion and the garage
Please come to
a county hearing on September 10 to learn more about the proposed sale and help
express to Milwaukee County that our parks are not for sale. O’Donnell serves
as a superb conduit between downtown and the lakefront. Its garage earns the
County $2 million a year in parking revenues. Its preservation is essential—if
O’Donnell can be sold, any park can be sold. And the fact is, NML has other
options for providing employee parking.
We applaud NML
for its commitment to downtown and for the vibrancy it brings to our city, but
our parks are not for sale. Please attend the hearing to give the County this
message: Keep O’Donnell under public ownership and control. Do not turn it over
to private, commercial ownership. Please ask your friends and neighbors to join
you at the meeting.
September 10, 6:30 p.m.
Free parking
next door in O’Donnell Park garage.
Enter garage
from Michigan St. or Lincoln Memorial Drive.
A simple email
or phone call will suffice. If you don’t know your supervisor’s name follow the
county board link. If you email please click ‘bcc’ and enter info@preserveourparks.org. It is important for us to know how many supervisors are
being contacted.
Tell them loud
and clear: “Our parks are not for Sale.” Let’s keep O’Donnell a public park,
for our use now and for handing on to future generations.
Talking Points
• O’Donnell
Park has our city’s best, most inspiring, location. Let’s keep it in public
hands, for our use now and as a heritage we can pass on to future generations.
• Private
ownership of parks means loss of protection, not preservation.
• If O’Donnell
is sold, any park can be sold.
• O’Donnell
Park is an “earner.” It produces over $2,000,000 per year in net operating revenues
from parking alone, which helps support all our parks.
• O’Donnell
Park is built on land that has been a park since 1868. It has weathered
previous fiscal crises, and will weather this one.
• Park deeds
require that parks be used only for park purposes and prohibit transferring the
land to private entities. The public has the right to have these deeds honored.
Gateway to museum and lakefront |
To find your
supervisor go to:
Then click on the photo of the supervisor to get to contact information.
To contact Preserve
Our Parks: