Sunset, County Grounds Park
Vote is a victory for opponents of controversial master plan
A Wauwatosa
Common Council committee voted unanimously Tuesday night to put on hold the
controversial master plan for what is being called the Life Sciences District.
“We have been listening,” Kathleen Causier, Chair of the council’s
Community Affairs Committee, told the packed room in the council chambers. The
size of the audience for a committee meeting indicated once again the amount of
concern and attention being paid to this issue by the community. The outcome included
a provision that seemed to surprise nearly everyone in attendance.
During the public comment period before the committee
deliberations the contentiousness that had characterized so many previous
meetings simmered but never boiled over. The idea of putting the master
planning process on hold was itself uncontroversial. Speaker after speaker rose
to agree with it. Despite the narrow focus of the issue at hand, many couldn’t
resist the opportunity to reiterate their opposition to elements of the plan
When it came time for the committee to deliberate, Ald.
Cheryl Berdan made the motion, which was to put the planning process on hold
until such time as the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and
Milwaukee County both completed environmental impact assessments of County
Grounds Park and the non-park county land commonly known as “Sanctuary Woods.”
Initially there was little opposition and the decision seemed a foregone
Autumn, Wil-O-Way Woods, DNR State Forest, County Grounds |
Then alderman Jason Wilke proposed what he considered a
“friendly amendment” that add new protections to not only the two parcels
stipulated in the original motion but also to the Wil-O-Way Woods property
north of Swan Boulevard. This proposal was met with some confusion and Berdan
refused to accept the “friendly amendment” to her motion. Wilke then moved to
amend the motion without the “friendly” designation, which led to a lively
discussion about the intent and feasibility of adding the protection.
The public is clearly disturbed by the part of the plan that
involves these three parcels, Wilke explained, and protecting them would serve
to reassure people and allow the rest of the plan to move forward. This
clarification seemed to satisfy the committee members. The audience listened
with rapt attention as nearly every member of the committee expressed agreement
in principle with the intent to protect the land. Causier summed up the
sentiments by saying “none of us want to see anything going in there,”
referring to development on the three parcels.
The final hurdle to acceptance was a consideration of the
City’s role in providing permanent protection. City attorney Alan Kesner
explained that permanent protection required more than zoning, which is within
the purview of the city. A conservation easement or other instrument of
protection would require consent of the landowners—Milwaukee County and the
State of Wisconsin. While acknowledging the possibility of resistance, in the
end the committee voted unanimously to include Wilke’s amendment to do
“whatever it takes to preserve in perpetuity” the three parcels.
It was a stunning development in the now yearlong
controversy over the Life Sciences District Master Plan and the committee’s
decision was met with loud applause from the audience.
Spring, Sanctuary Woods, County Grounds |
The decision means that the scheduled May 15 meeting of the
Plan Commission and others will be canceled or postponed until the conditions
of last night’s decision have been met. If they are not met, we can expect to
hear this issue come up again sometime in the future. However, today we can
thank the Community Affairs Committee for their vote to save the County
Attention now turns to Milwaukee County, where the decision
to act on the Community Affairs Committee decision rests. Those concerned with
actually saving the County Grounds will want to make their feelings known to
County Executive Chris Abele and the County Board.
There is a meeting of the County Board Committee on Parks,
Energy and the Environment Tuesday, May 16 at 9:00 a.m. at the Milwaukee County
Courthouse, 901 N. 9th Street, room 201.